New 2013 Federal Tax Credit Extended for EV Charging Stations

New 2013 Federal Tax Credit Extended for EV Charging Stations

HOUSTON, TX – February 25th, 2013 — LVI Energy, the nation’s leading provider of energy services, announced today that a Federal Tax Credit is now available for the Purchase and Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, recently passed by Congress, provisions a 30% federal tax credit towards electric vehicle charging station equipment and installation. This credit will expire on December 31, 2013.

This new extended tax credit equates to $4,000 and up to $30,000 for the total cost of your charging station(s) and also including installation cost(s).

Electric vehicle sales more than tripled in 2012 and is only expected to continue to hold this rapid pace in 2013 with new models being introduced. This tax credit provides 2013 buyers significant tax savings and a great incentive for organizations considering installing charging stations.

About LVI Energy
LVI Energy is a leader in providing energy solutions that help Reduce Total Operating Costs, Improve Sustainability Position by reducing GHG emissions and help to Improve Workplace Environment. Our energy solutions are achieved through project design and solution development that includes analyzing financial, energy and environmental data.

For more information please visit our website –

About Lane Valente Industries
Lane Valente Industries offers a broad range of solutions that help multi-site organizations reduce costs through energy reduction, facility maintenance and value engineering. Founded in 1989, LVI has always provided clients with unmatched quality, efficiency and expertiseAll of our services are available on an individual basis or can be integrated into a comprehensive and efficient program.

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