29 Jun PRSM Mid-Year Conference Event
Can’t find real savings opportunities with your current vendors? Are energy & maintenance costs cutting into your company’s bottom line? Missing out on savings opportunities due to a fragmented vendor pool of energy & maintenance companies?
You hear conflicting explanations for why you’re not achieving the results you want. But you don’t know which vendor to believe. Are you simply tired of working with vendors that can’t bring Real Value to the table?
Then Stop by to meet with a Lane Valente representative to discuss how Lane Valente can help you uncover savings opportunities through a paired energy & maintenance approach. You don’t necessarily have to invest a lot of money to achieve big improvements in energy efficiency. You just have to take the first step in standardizing your energy & maintenance programs into one comprehensive suite of services.
Self-Performed Maintenance Programs
Learn how to reduce the demand service calls that are eating away at your budgets with scheduled maintenance.
Energy Data Management
Gain Comprehensive visibility into your overall energy spend with a single, enterprise-wide system of record.
How to decrease carbon emissions
With an enterprise-wide view of energy consumption—Avaya saw a 2.4 percent reduction in just a single year.