Identify Savings Opportunities.

There are many opportunities for your organization to reduce energy costs today. A starting point for identifying what those opportunities are is an energy audit. An energy audit identifies cost-effective energy improvements that will result in energy savings. Those energy savings through high-performance design and the use of energy efficient technologies can reduce energy costs in commercial buildings by up to 50% every year.

Our Energy Audit approach addresses all energy related building systems including:

  • Cooling & Heating Systems
  • Lighting
  • Refrigeration Systems
  • Motors, Fans & Pump Systems
  • Building Structure
  • Ventilation & Air Distribution

Key energy investment strategies for commercial buildings:

  • Increase the efficiency of technology and equipment.
  • Improve the design and efficiency of the overall building system.
  • Introduce energy management and controls.
  • Introduce efficiencies in building maintenance.